Icon font
Use in web applications, on buttons, and anywhere you need more than a few icons.
<i class="modus-icons" aria-hidden="true">receiver_generic_error_outline</i>
SVG sprite
Use for static sites when you only need a few icons.
<svg class="mi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor">
<use xlink:href="/field-systems-icons.svg#receiver-generic-error-outline" />
SVG code
Use when you don't want any dependency.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" class="mi-outline mi-receiver-generic-error-outline" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M21.496 10.209a1.63 1.63 0 0 0 .047-.844c-.426-2.045-2.001-3.35-3.646-4.127-1.7-.803-3.796-1.208-5.848-1.236-2.051-.03-4.162.316-5.884 1.108-1.689.777-3.263 2.118-3.708 4.255-.06.286-.04.582.05.85-.226.251-.39.587-.45.99-.078.535-.074.99.001 1.571.397 2.341.167.512.433 1.067.882 1.51a2.7 2.7 0 0 0 1.691.774c2.044.187 4.808.317 7.555.249l.004-.004 1.468-1.469h-.001c-3.148.169-6.533.032-8.93-.187-2.064-.189-2.078-4.094-2.078-4.094h9.119q.162-.296.403-.536a2.35 2.35 0 0 1 3.332.002l.534.534h1.901l.517-.517a2.35 2.35 0 0 1 1.894-.683 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 .099-.423c.042-.45.041-.832 0-1.28a1.9 1.9 0 0 0-.473-1.116m-8.49 4.976h-2.47c-.32 0-.606.18-.784.459-.12.188-.191.421-.191.674 0 .317.112.604.294.81a.9.9 0 0 0 .682.322h2.926a.87.87 0 0 0 .498-.159l-.267-.267a2.35 2.35 0 0 1-.688-1.839m7.352-5.487c-1.145-5.49-15.48-5.926-16.716 0zM3.26 11.443c.028-.194.178-.33.348-.33H20.4c.18 0 .336.155.356.363. 0 .976-.02.208-.174.36-.355.36H3.611c-.171 0-.322-.137-.35-.333a3.3 3.3 0 0 1-.001-1.036"/>
<path d="m19.717 18.51 2.53-2.532a.85.85 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0-1.208 0l-2.53 2.53-2.548-2.548a.85.85 0 0 0-1.209 0 .85.85 0 0 0 0 1.21l2.548 2.547-2.53 2.532a.852.852 0 0 0 .604 1.459.86.86 0 0 0 .604-.25l2.53-2.532 2.514 2.514a.86.86 0 0 0 .605.25.86.86 0 0 0 .604-.25.85.85 0 0 0 0-1.209z"/>
SVG CSS code
Use for embedding your icons in CSS with no dependency.