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Icon font

Use in web applications, on buttons, and anywhere you need more than a few icons.

<i class="modus-icons" aria-hidden="true">northing</i>

SVG sprite

Use for static sites when you only need a few icons.

<svg class="mi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor">
  <use xlink:href="/field-systems-icons.svg#northing" />

SVG code

Use when you don't want any dependency.

<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" class="mi-solid mi-northing" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  <path d="m12.81 9.55 1.698-1.85-2.74-5.7-2.743 5.7 1.701 1.85zm7.69 3.46-2.364-1.07a6.7 6.7 0 0 0-2.19-3.989l-.8.874c1.196 1.014 1.913 2.53 1.913 4.194l.032.576h2.12zM8.38 8.813l-.806-.878a6.7 6.7 0 0 0-2.21 4.004L3 13.01l.019.008H6.44c0-1.646.739-3.185 1.94-4.205"/>
  <path d="M12.792 19.57c2.736-.457 4.897-2.677 5.343-5.488l2.345-1.063h-3.422c0 3.007-2.382 5.454-5.309 5.454l-.558.043v2.182L11.749 22z"/>
  <path d="m6.441 13.02-.023-.673H4.466L3 13.01l2.364 1.071c.446 2.81 2.607 5.03 5.343 5.488L11.75 22v-3.527c-2.927 0-5.309-2.447-5.309-5.454m3.86-3.931c-1.545.601-2.646 2.132-2.646 3.93h1.947v-2.632h1.332l1.348 2.458V9.093z"/>
  <path d="M12.678 13.54v-3.153h1.22v3.153h1.853l.094-.521c0-1.788-1.088-3.312-2.619-3.92l-1.476-.006v2.78l.914 1.667zm-1.842-1.225h-.014v3.189h-1.22v-3.157H7.767l-.112.672c0 2.324 1.834 4.207 4.095 4.207V14z"/>
  <path d="M15.844 13.02h-1.946v2.484h-1.332l-1.375-2.535v4.153l.558.105c2.262 0 4.095-1.884 4.095-4.207"/>

SVG CSS code

Use for embedding your icons in CSS with no dependency.