Icon font
Use in web applications, on buttons, and anywhere you need more than a few icons.
<i class="modus-icons" aria-hidden="true">gnss_sps986</i>
SVG sprite
Use for static sites when you only need a few icons.
<svg class="mi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor">
<use xlink:href="/field-systems-icons.svg#gnss-sps986" />
SVG code
Use when you don't want any dependency.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" class="mi-solid mi-gnss-sps986" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M19.112 4.727h.982a.4.4 0 0 1 .4.4v1.094a.4.4 0 0 1-.4.4h-.11l-1.2 2.332v1.532c.085 0 . 0 0 1-.151.151h-.153l-.672 3.96a.606.606 0 0 1-.597.504h-2.998l-.557 2.051h.02v4.319a.15.15 0 0 1-.152.151h-3.182a.15.15 0 0 1-.152-.151V17.53h-.003l-.596-2.05H9.01v-.8h-.416l-.12 4.624c-.004.164-.125.296-.273.296s-.27-.132-.273-.296l-.12-4.625H7.54v.8h-.734a.606.606 0 0 1-.598-.504l-.672-3.96H5.31a.15.15 0 0 1-.151-.151v-.228a.15.15 0 0 1 .151-.151h.076V8.953l-1.2-2.332H4a.4.4 0 0 1-.4-.4V5.127c0-.22.18-.4.4-.4h1.04l.072-.443a.76.76 0 0 1 .348-.522Q8.298 2 12.084 2q3.78 0 6.616 1.756c. 11.2h2.389a.8.8 0 0 1 .8.788l.011.764-.012.859a.8.8 0 0 1-.8.789H11.2a.8.8 0 0 1-.8-.8V12a.8.8 0 0 1 .8-.8m1.773 6.936h-1.776a.4.4 0 0 0-.4.4v.412c0 . 0 0 0 .4-.4v-.412a.4.4 0 0 0-.4-.4"/>
SVG CSS code
Use for embedding your icons in CSS with no dependency.